jqcl: 0001 430-01-7541 Embelia pacifica. Hawai`i, Kaua`i, Kōke`e area. Kaua`i occurrence 1, plant 1. Backlit leaf; upper surface is facing the camera.
jqcl: 0001 430-01-7542 Embelia pacifica. Hawai`i, Kaua`i, Kōke`e area. Kaua`i occurrence 1, plant 1.
jqcl: 0003 280-01-4415 Embelia pacifica. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Ko`olau Mts., Kaluanui. Plant 1 (the only one seen). This plant is the largest leafed plant of E. pacifica I have ever seen.
jqcl: 0003 280-01-4420 Embelia pacifica. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Ko`olau Mts., Kaluanui. Plant 1 (the only one seen). This plant is the largest leafed plant of E. pacifica I have ever seen.
jqcl: 0003 280-01-4421 Embelia pacifica. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Ko`olau Mts., Kaluanui. Plant 1 (the only one seen). This plant is the largest leafed plant of E. pacifica I have ever seen.