jqcl: Cheirodendron 6 x C. platyphyllum. O`ahu, Ko`olau Mts., Kawainui-Koloa Ridge, plant 1 (right); a C. platyphyllum leaf from the same area with smaller than average leaflets (left).
jqcl: Cheirodendron 6 x C. platyphyllum. O`ahu, Ko`olau Mts., Kawainui-Koloa Ridge, plant 1 (top); a smaller than average C. platyphyllum leaflet from the same area (bottom).
jqcl: Cheirodendron 6 x C. platyphyllum. O`ahu, Ko`olau Mts., Kawainui-Koloa Ridge, plant 1 (right); a smaller than average C. platyphyllum leaflet from the same area (left).