jqcl: 4902 001-01-5718 Panicum 1 (Similar to P. beecheyi. Occurs in areas drier than where P. beecheyi occurs.), occurrence 1. Plants about 12-25 cm tall. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mts., Kaua`ōpu`u (peak).
jqcl: 4902 001-02-5731 Panicum 1 (Similar to P. beecheyi. Occurs in areas drier than where P. beecheyi occurs.), occurrence 1. Plants about 20 cm tall. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mts., Kaua`ōpu`u (peak).
jqcl: 4902 001-03-5877 Panicum 1 (Similar to P. beecheyi. Occurs in areas drier than where P. beecheyi occurs.), occurrence 1. Plant about 15 cm tall. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mts., Kaua`ōpu`u (peak).
jqcl: 4902 002-02-f-1802 Panicum 1 (Similar to P. beecheyi. Occurs in areas drier than where P. beecheyi occurs.), occurrence 2, plant 2. Plant about 35 cm tall. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward southern Wai`anae Mts.
jqcl: 4902 002-02-f-1797 Panicum 1 (Similar to P. beecheyi. Occurs in areas drier than where P. beecheyi occurs.), occurrence 2, plant 2. Plant about 35 cm tall. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward southern Wai`anae Mts.
jqcl: 4902 002-02-a-1821 Panicum 1 (Similar to P. beecheyi. Occurs in areas drier than where P. beecheyi occurs.), occurrence 2, plant 2. Plant about 35 cm tall. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward southern Wai`anae Mts.
jqcl: 4902 002-01-a-1781 Panicum 1 (Similar to P. beecheyi. Occurs in areas drier than where P. beecheyi occurs.), occurrence 2, plant 1. Plant about 35 cm tall. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward southern Wai`anae Mts.