jqcl: Cheirodendron ‘hillebrandii’. O`ahu, Ko`olau Mountains, Kaluanui, plant 1.
jqcl: Cheirodendron ‘hillebrandii’. O`ahu, Ko`olau Mountains, Kaluanui, plant 1.
jqcl: Cheirodendron ‘hillebrandii’. O`ahu, Ko`olau Mountains, Kaluanui, plant 1.
jqcl: Cheirodendron 4 x C. ‘hillebrandii’, O`ahu, Ko`olau Mountains, `Ōpae`ula summit ridge, plant 1 (left); C. ‘hillebrandii’ (right). Lower leaflet surfaces.
jqcl: Cheirodendron 4 x C. ‘hillebrandii’. O`ahu, Ko`olau Mountains, `Ōpae`ula summit ridge, plant 1 (right); leaves from two plants of C. ‘hillebrandii’ (left).
jqcl: Cheirodendron ‘hillebrandii’ (left); C. platyphyllum (Ko`olau Mountains population) (middle); Cheirodendron 1 (right). Upper sides of leaflets.
jqcl: Cheirodendron ‘hillebrandii’ (left); C. platyphyllum (Ko`olau Mts. population) (right); Cheirodendron 1 (top). Lower sides of leaflets.
jqcl: Cheirodendron ‘hillebrandii’, Halemano Gulch, plant 1. The C. ‘hillebrandii’ kind of impressed tertiary venation is visible.
jqcl: Cheirodendron ‘hillebrandii’, Halemano Gulch, plant 1. The C. ‘hillebrandii’ kind of impressed tertiary venation is visible.
jqcl: Cheirodendron ‘hillebrandii’, Halemano Gulch, plant 1. The C. ‘hillebrandii’ kind of impressed tertiary venation is visible.
jqcl: Cheirodendron ‘hillebrandii’, Halemano Gulch, plant 1. The C. ‘hillebrandii’ kind of impressed tertiary venation is visible.
jqcl: Cheirodendron ‘hillebrandii’, Halemano Gulch, plant 1. A shot showing the characteristic shallow V shape of C. ‘hillebrandii’ leaflets.
jqcl: Cheirodendron ‘hillebrandii’, Kaluanui, plant 2. The distinctive lower leaflet surface with much of the tertiary venation visible.
jqcl: Cheirodendron ‘hillebrandii’, Kaluanui, plant 2. Upper leaflet surface. The C. ‘hillebrandii’ kind of impressed tertiary venation is visible.