03400 001-01-1989 Dodonaea sandwicensis (mesic to wet habitat type), area 1, plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward northern Wai`anae Mountains, the ridge between Mākaha and Wai`anae Kai, at the three power poles.
03400 001-01-1990 Dodonaea sandwicensis (mesic to wet habitat type), area 1, plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward northern Wai`anae Mountains, the ridge between Mākaha and Wai`anae Kai, at the three power poles.
03400 001-01-5102 Dodonaea sandwicensis (mesic to wet habitat type), area 1, plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward northern Wai`anae Mountains, the ridge between Mākaha and Wai`anae Kai, at the three power poles.
03400 001-02-2007 Dodonaea sandwicensis (mesic to wet habitat type), area 1, plant 2. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward northern Wai`anae Mountains, the ridge between Mākaha and Wai`anae Kai, at the three power poles.
03400 001-03-1951 Dodonaea sandwicensis (mesic to wet habitat type), area 1, plant 3. Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward northern Wai`anae Mountains, Wai`anae Kai, about 1.5 km northeast of Pu`ukawiwi, on the ridge leading up to the three power poles.
03400 001-04-4643 Dodonaea sandwicensis (mesic to wet habitat type), area 1, plant 4 (center). From the same area: D. stenoptera, plant 1 (left), D. viscosa in a narrow sense, plant 1 (right). Wai`anae Kai, the ridge leading up to the 3 power poles.
03400 002-01-1832 Dodonaea sandwicensis (mesic to wet habitat type), area 1, plant 2 (right). D. stenoptera from the same area (left). Leeward northern Wai`anae Mountains, Wai`anae Kai, about 1.0 kilometers north of Pu`ukawiwi.
03400 003-01-2583 Dodonaea sandwicensis (mesic to wet habitat type), area 3, plant 1 (right). Dodonaea stenoptera, plant 1 (left). Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward northern Wai`anae Mountains, Mākua.
03400 003-01-2586 Dodonaea sandwicensis (mesic to wet habitat type), area 3, plant 1 (right). Dodonaea stenoptera, plant 1 (left). Hawai`i, O`ahu, leeward northern Wai`anae Mountains, Mākua.