03300 001-03-5966 Dodonaea sandwicensis (dry habitat type) x D. viscosa in the strict sense (not including D. sandwicensis and D. stenoptera), Kūlepeamoa plant 3. Hawai`i, O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mountains, Kūlepeamoa Ridge.
03300 001-03-5970 Dodonaea sandwicensis (dry habitat type) x D. viscosa in the strict sense (not including D. sandwicensis and D. stenoptera), Kūlepeamoa plant 3. Hawai`i, O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mountains, Kūlepeamoa Ridge.
03300 001-03-5997 Dodonaea sandwicensis (dry habitat type) x D. viscosa in the strict sense (not including D. sandwicensis and D. stenoptera), Kūlepeamoa plant 3. Hawai`i, O`ahu, southeastern Ko`olau Mountains, Kūlepeamoa Ridge.
03300 002-01-6254 Dodonaea sandwicensis (dry habitat type) x D. viscosa in the strict sense (not including D. sandwicensis and D. stenoptera), Kapuna plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mountains, the ridge on the western edge of Kapuna Gulch.
03300 002-01-6266 Dodonaea sandwicensis (dry habitat type) x D. viscosa in the strict sense (not including D. sandwicensis and D. stenoptera), Kapuna plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mountains, the ridge on the western edge of Kapuna Gulch.
03300 002-01-6276 Dodonaea sandwicensis (dry habitat type) x D. viscosa in the strict sense (not including D. sandwicensis and D. stenoptera), Kapuna plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mountains, the ridge on the western edge of Kapuna Gulch.
03300 002-01-6299 Dodonaea sandwicensis (dry habitat type) x D. viscosa in the strict sense (not including D. sandwicensis and D. stenoptera), Kapuna plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mountains, the ridge on the western edge of Kapuna Gulch.
03300 002-01-6313 Dodonaea sandwicensis (dry habitat type) x D. viscosa in the strict sense (not including D. sandwicensis and D. stenoptera), Kapuna plant 1. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mountains, the ridge on the western edge of Kapuna Gulch.
03300 002-02-9801 Dodonaea sandwicensis (dry habitat type) x D. viscosa in the strict sense (not including D. sandwicensis and D. stenoptera), Kapuna plant 2. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mountains, the ridge on the western edge of Kapuna Gulch.
03300 002-02-9816 Dodonaea sandwicensis (dry habitat type) x D. viscosa in the strict sense (not including D. sandwicensis and D. stenoptera), Kapuna plant 2. Hawai`i, O`ahu, Wai`anae Mountains, the ridge on the western edge of Kapuna Gulch.