cheetahtype: Burrito
cheetahtype: El Refugio del Burrito
cheetahtype: Mindy and a burro
cheetahtype: Mindy 2
cheetahtype: Mindy 1
cheetahtype: Fuente de Piedra 2
cheetahtype: Fuente de Piedra 1
cheetahtype: La Noria
cheetahtype: La Noria 2
cheetahtype: flowers
cheetahtype: Burros at El Refugio
cheetahtype: El Ref
cheetahtype: La Laguna
cheetahtype: Evening at El Ref
cheetahtype: Malaga
cheetahtype: Malaga Feria
cheetahtype: La Peña de los Enamorados
cheetahtype: Hiking with Nessie
cheetahtype: Takayama
cheetahtype: Garden in the Rain
cheetahtype: Garden in the Rain 2
cheetahtype: Takayama
cheetahtype: Graves in the Rain