therogerbacon: RBA cheerleaders walking toward the NC Legislative Building
therogerbacon: RBA cheerleaders are lined up and ready to go.
therogerbacon: Cheerleaders entering the NC Legislative Building in Raleigh, NC
therogerbacon: Rep. Susi Hamilton reads a statement of recognition to the RBA cheer squad
therogerbacon: Rep. Susi Hamilton and the RBA Cheer squad
therogerbacon: Rep. Susi Hamilton congratulates the cheer squad
therogerbacon: Coach Jean LaFave, Representative Susi Hamilton and Superintendent Mark Cramer
therogerbacon: Coach Jean LaFave and Superintendent Mark Cramer talk with Rep. Susi Hamilton
therogerbacon: Coach Jean LaFave Senator Bill Rabon, Superintendent Mark Cramer
therogerbacon: Senator Bill Rabon congratulates Superintendent Mark Cramer
therogerbacon: Senator Bill Rabon and the RBA Cheer Squad
therogerbacon: Cheerleaders in the gallery of the NC House of Representatives
therogerbacon: 2011 CHEER NATIONAL Trophy
therogerbacon: 2011 CHEER NATIONAL Championship Team
therogerbacon: RBA National Champions Performance in Orlando FL
therogerbacon: RBA National Champions Performance in Orlando FL
therogerbacon: RBA National Champions Performance in Orlando FL
therogerbacon: RBA National Champions Performance in Orlando FL
therogerbacon: RBA National Champions Performance in Orlando FL
therogerbacon: RBA National Champions Performance in Orlando FL
therogerbacon: RBA National Champions Performance in Orlando FL
therogerbacon: RBA National Champions Performance in Orlando FL