Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Start of race 9
Bill J Lane: Sharp contrast
Bill J Lane: Another part of the route
Bill J Lane: Not inside for long though
Bill J Lane: Chief holder
Bill J Lane: Which bit do you want dear?
Bill J Lane: The team ready for the start
Bill J Lane: The team ready for the start
Bill J Lane: The team ready for the start
Bill J Lane: The team ready for the start
Bill J Lane: The team ready for the start
Bill J Lane: The team ready for the start
Bill J Lane: The team ready for the start
Bill J Lane: The team ready for the start
Bill J Lane: The supporters ready for the start
Bill J Lane: And they are off
Bill J Lane: Charging for the first obstical
Bill J Lane: Leaders are over