Bill J Lane: Everyone getting ready to go
Bill J Lane: Jump group one heading for the car
Bill J Lane: Jump group one heading for the car
Bill J Lane: Jump group one heading for the car
Bill J Lane: Jump group one heading for the car
Bill J Lane: That's where we changed cable cars
Bill J Lane: Lined up and ready to go
Bill J Lane: Now where is the edge?
Bill J Lane: You having fun out there?
Bill J Lane: Now which is the fastest way too see the lake?
Bill J Lane: Time to say good bye
Bill J Lane: Byeeee
Bill J Lane: There is a lot of cord there....
Bill J Lane: Think I'll just have a kip on the way down
Bill J Lane: I'm flying.
Bill J Lane: And kick off
Bill J Lane: Nearly got the cord straight
Bill J Lane: Hope that doesn't knot
Bill J Lane: The lake looks lovely
Bill J Lane: DSC_6553
Bill J Lane: DSC_6552
Bill J Lane: I said touch the WATER not see how deep the lake is!
Bill J Lane: DSC_6558
Bill J Lane: DSC_6557
Bill J Lane: DSC_6556
Bill J Lane: DSC_6555
Bill J Lane: DSC_6562
Bill J Lane: DSC_6560
Bill J Lane: DSC_6559
Bill J Lane: DSC_6563