Bill J Lane: Our public awaits
Bill J Lane: Do you think this will take long?
Bill J Lane: Just smile and hang on
Bill J Lane: Mr & Mrs S Brooke
Bill J Lane: Give her a kiss for the camera
Bill J Lane: Arranged on the steps for photos
Bill J Lane: The happy couple
Bill J Lane: 'giss a kiss
Bill J Lane: They are married so it is alowed.
Bill J Lane: We'll get through it together though.
Bill J Lane: This is just the start of the photo's dear
Bill J Lane: Strike a pose
Bill J Lane: Can't hold it in That long
Bill J Lane: There's cameras every where
Bill J Lane: Love you
Bill J Lane: Red must be the in colour this year
Bill J Lane: Now would I do that?
Bill J Lane: Mark and Rob
Bill J Lane: Mark and Liz
Bill J Lane: Mark and Liz
Bill J Lane: Liz and Mark
Bill J Lane: Mother and Son with eyes tight shut.
Bill J Lane: All the parents
Bill J Lane: The main players
Bill J Lane: Is that what you call a 'bum' shot?
Bill J Lane: What you doing with that camera?
Bill J Lane: With his parents
Bill J Lane: With his parents
Bill J Lane: Family together
Bill J Lane: Family together