Bill J Lane: Pre dinner catching up
Bill J Lane: Pre dinner catching up
Bill J Lane: Ignor him he might go away
Bill J Lane: Who just said what?
Bill J Lane: Happy chatter
Bill J Lane: Your supposed to be taking me!
Bill J Lane: Your supposed to be taking me!
Bill J Lane: Opps people not crutches please camera.
Bill J Lane: Your supposed to be taking me!
Bill J Lane: No not the table
Bill J Lane: Your supposed to be taking me!
Bill J Lane: Oh dear
Bill J Lane: Well it was one way to get a picture of me
Bill J Lane: Pudding time!
Bill J Lane: James supporting the latest fashon accessory
Bill J Lane: Convinient that most of one side moved at the same time.
Bill J Lane: They did a good double act
Bill J Lane: One of the after dinner speakers
Bill J Lane: After dinner chatting
Bill J Lane: And just what are you doing?
Bill J Lane: So what's this new fangled thing then?
Bill J Lane: Getting ready to leave
Bill J Lane: And from the wrong side
Bill J Lane: Still a bit light to get the full effect
Bill J Lane: The party departs ship
Bill J Lane: Nice light.....
Bill J Lane: Bow and spike