fiberistanora: IMG_0026
fiberistanora: Gold Star Hysteria
fiberistanora: Printing multiples
fiberistanora: Gold Star Hysteria Print
fiberistanora: Feed Dawg
fiberistanora: The Burrow Plate
fiberistanora: @albrechtdurer
fiberistanora: triptych in red
fiberistanora: IMG_0298
fiberistanora: My Job Tray
fiberistanora: Birds on wires on a brayer
fiberistanora: Laura's class prints
fiberistanora: Play Ball!
fiberistanora: Class mess
fiberistanora: Laura's Bird Plate
fiberistanora: Laura Printing
fiberistanora: Hard at Work
fiberistanora: Metal Type
fiberistanora: Job Tray
fiberistanora: Garden of Eden Polymer Plate
fiberistanora: @ type high
fiberistanora: @ type high
fiberistanora: @ type high
fiberistanora: #tweetsfrommyletterpress
fiberistanora: #tweetsfrommyletterpress