Anttanager: Dusky Grouse
Anttanager: Brown-capped Rosy-finch
Anttanager: Lark Sparrow
Anttanager: Fish Creek Falls - Steamboat Springs
Anttanager: Monarch Pass
Anttanager: Greater Prairie-chicken
Anttanager: Greater Sage-grouse
Anttanager: Dusky Grouse
Anttanager: Dusky Grouse
Anttanager: Dusky Grouse
Anttanager: Black Canyon
Anttanager: Black Canyon
Anttanager: Barb-wire Moose
Anttanager: White-tailed Jackrabbit
Anttanager: American Dipper and nest
Anttanager: Lesser and Greater Prairie-chicken
Anttanager: Great Horned Owl
Anttanager: Juniper Titmouse
Anttanager: Juniper Titmouse
Anttanager: Canyon Wren
Anttanager: Black-throated Gray Warbler
Anttanager: Bear's Ears
Anttanager: Petroglyphs at Capital Reef NP
Anttanager: Petroglyphs
Anttanager: Petroglyphs
Anttanager: Western Bluebird
Anttanager: Western Bluebird
Anttanager: Violet-green Swallow
Anttanager: Near Capital Reef
Anttanager: Mountain Bluebird