floevii: Merida in the morning
floevii: Merida in the morning
floevii: typical yucatan landscape
floevii: bus stop
floevii: On the road
floevii: on the road
floevii: Gulf of Mexico
floevii: Gulf of Mexico
floevii: Gulf of Mexico
floevii: pineapple finca
floevii: Gulf of Mexico
floevii: on the road
floevii: anybody wants 'catsup'
floevii: On the road
floevii: on the road
floevii: on the road
floevii: Tope! Meaning: bump!
floevii: On the road
floevii: On the road
floevii: On the road
floevii: on the road
floevii: on the road
floevii: on the road
floevii: on the road
floevii: wetlands
floevii: wetlands
floevii: wetlands
floevii: wetlands
floevii: wetlands/ heron attempt
floevii: Usumacinta river