pitsis: Plan_of_Athens
pitsis: shep023d
pitsis: Map_Plan_of_the_Antiquities_of_Athens_3600pix
pitsis: 1784_Bocage_Map_of_Athens,_Greece_-_Geographicus_-_Athens-bocage-1784
pitsis: andrian_gate
pitsis: plan_athens
pitsis: kaupert curtius map athens wgs84 theseus kokkinos
pitsis: Athen_Generalansicht_hinter_dem_Stadium_an_der_Kapelle_des_Stavromenos_Petrus
pitsis: 1678 spon
pitsis: 1794_stuart_revett
pitsis: 1852_1
pitsis: 1852_2
pitsis: 1908_athens_map
pitsis: G6814_A9_1870_K3
pitsis: 1870_athens_proc
pitsis: Map Legend
pitsis: aldenhoven athens map 1837
pitsis: kaupert_crop
pitsis: kleanthis_schaubert-1833
pitsis: solon kidoniatis map
pitsis: Athens Map 1831
pitsis: Athens 1836
pitsis: charta_rigas
pitsis: lapies-1826
pitsis: La Mappa di Anthimos Gazis
pitsis: Ottoman manuscript chart of the Mediterranean 17th-18th c.
pitsis: Ancient Athens City Wall