David Rounce: succulent...................................
David Rounce: the big thaw
David Rounce: DSC03945
David Rounce: frozen droplet
David Rounce: feel the warmth................
David Rounce: ladybird 3
David Rounce: ladybird macro
David Rounce: my first bee macro,harder than it looks
David Rounce: ladybird macro
David Rounce: bee macro
David Rounce: another ladybird(bug) shot,lol
David Rounce: micro alien forest
David Rounce: daisy,daisy....................
David Rounce: sleepy ladybug
David Rounce: spider spider on the wall......................
David Rounce: Awakened...............................
David Rounce: blue.............................
David Rounce: pink tipped daisy
David Rounce: flower
David Rounce: Crocus and snowdrops
David Rounce: Waiting for the Sun...........................
David Rounce: please sun shine for us......................
David Rounce: Fly on gorse
David Rounce: Toadstool
David Rounce: fly macro........................
David Rounce: Wolf spider,Pardosa amentata (thanx bugman for the i.d)
David Rounce: the fly
David Rounce: Two's company..................
David Rounce: Bluebottle