Zea Mays Printmaking: the future home of Zea Mays Printmaking
Zea Mays Printmaking: we'll make sure the dumpsters are moved!
Zea Mays Printmaking: beautiful windows
Zea Mays Printmaking: members touring the new building before the renovation
Zea Mays Printmaking: members touring the new building
Zea Mays Printmaking: members touring the new building
Zea Mays Printmaking: members touring the new building
Zea Mays Printmaking: members on the tour
Zea Mays Printmaking: members touring the new building
Zea Mays Printmaking: the champagne toast!
Zea Mays Printmaking: members touring the new building
Zea Mays Printmaking: members touring the new building
Zea Mays Printmaking: unfinished classroom space in the new building