jerryjcwu: Terry Couple
jerryjcwu: Playing Games
jerryjcwu: Wish You Couple a Life in Happiness and Thereafter
jerryjcwu: The Wedding Light
jerryjcwu: Terry and Brain
jerryjcwu: Paul Yang
jerryjcwu: One of the Dishes for the Wedding
jerryjcwu: Grail in the Suit
jerryjcwu: Mark Kuo, Still Waiting for His Own Wedding
jerryjcwu: Group Picture for ex-WRS Trenders
jerryjcwu: RC and Water
jerryjcwu: Group Picture for the (ex-)Trenders
jerryjcwu: Liao
jerryjcwu: Steven and His Brite
jerryjcwu: Steven Playing His Canon DSLR
jerryjcwu: Steven on the Phone
jerryjcwu: Leica DG 25/F1.4 Second Try
jerryjcwu: The Wedding Light
jerryjcwu: Haoping's Gaze