aytee111: Storm a-coming... (Rockies, CO)
aytee111: Storm here! (Rockies, CO)
aytee111: Traveling across the Rockies, CO - mountain after valley after mountain...and so it went
aytee111: More traveling across the Rockies, CO
aytee111: More traveling across the Rockies, CO
aytee111: An old mine near Gunnison, CO
aytee111: Quite a fun campground, Gunnison, CO
aytee111: Fossil redwoods, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, CO
aytee111: A tree growing out of a fossilized redwood, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, CO
aytee111: A lovely 1978 BMW in great condition
aytee111: The Gremlin Bell hanging off the 1978 BMW - saving his bacon
aytee111: Even the river turns red from the red stone in the hills
aytee111: Not a great shot, but certainly different from the usual old wagon
aytee111: Gunnison River, along the 92, a very scenic byway
aytee111: Near Carbondale, CO
aytee111: The Satank Bridge, the only wooden bridge left in Colorado, recently restored
aytee111: As it says
aytee111: Going backwards down the river still gets you there, I guess
aytee111: Ranger talks along Gunnison River, CO -with telescope ready for night talks
aytee111: The latest thing, get someone else to row the boat while you fish (saw quite a few of these)
aytee111: Somerset, CO, coal mine, still in operation
aytee111: Pretty road! CO 133
aytee111: Very old coke ovens being restored, Redstone, CO
aytee111: Very old coke ovens being restored, Redstone, CO
aytee111: Wildflowers come to Colorado in July, much later than anywhere else
aytee111: Miles of unpaved road through White River National Forest, CO
aytee111: The wildflowers were out
aytee111: Along the National Forest road
aytee111: I am always amazed to see these huge homes out in the middle of nowhere - farmers, I suppose
aytee111: A superb house right next to the unpaved road, must be dusty living there!