astroboy_71: all that glitters is gold
astroboy_71: manicured
astroboy_71: the world at my feet
astroboy_71: offering bowls
astroboy_71: aspire
astroboy_71: ornate
astroboy_71: ornate II
astroboy_71: vibrant
astroboy_71: ornate III
astroboy_71: wat arun
astroboy_71: wat arun II
astroboy_71: Chao Phraya river
astroboy_71: Bangkok and the river
astroboy_71: mind the step
astroboy_71: Thai architecture
astroboy_71: the slippery slope
astroboy_71: wat arun III
astroboy_71: wat arun IV
astroboy_71: treading the boards
astroboy_71: happy new year 2010
astroboy_71: triplets
astroboy_71: heading for infinity
astroboy_71: lanternorama
astroboy_71: welcome to Farang mart how may I help you today?
astroboy_71: purple alien
astroboy_71: packed patong
astroboy_71: sunny days, everything ain't ok
astroboy_71: poolside 1
astroboy_71: served with a smile
astroboy_71: looking north - patong