astroboy_71: you got my back up
astroboy_71: on the move
astroboy_71: rest time
astroboy_71: green as the day I was born
astroboy_71: clear for takeoff
astroboy_71: I feel balanced
astroboy_71: borneo beauty
astroboy_71: I'll go my own way
astroboy_71: "will you stop staring at me!!"
astroboy_71: its not easy being green 1
astroboy_71: beauty has wings
astroboy_71: let's dance
astroboy_71: yellow
astroboy_71: wandering butterfly
astroboy_71: furry little critter
astroboy_71: cicada
astroboy_71: grasshopper, when you can snatch the pebble from my hand, you are ready
astroboy_71: moth or butterfly?
astroboy_71: on the flip side
astroboy_71: poised
astroboy_71: my legs are tired
astroboy_71: Resting
astroboy_71: barely breaking the surface
astroboy_71: foraging
astroboy_71: resting
astroboy_71: gettin jiggy with it
astroboy_71: watching me watching you