The Arboretum: Sharpie on watch. Photo by Brenda Doherty
The Arboretum: Birds beware! Photo by Brenda Doherty
The Arboretum: Sharp-shinned Hawk. Photo by Brenda Doherty
The Arboretum: Tracking Hike with Integrative Biology Undergrads. Photo by Katherine Drotos
The Arboretum: Tracking Hike with Integrative Biology Undergrads. Photo by Katherine Drotos
The Arboretum: Tracking Hike with Integrative Biology Undergrads. Photo by Katherine Drotos
The Arboretum: Tracking Hike with Integrative Biology Undergrads. Photo by Katherine Drotos
The Arboretum: Tracking Hike with Integrative Biology Undergrads. Photo by Katherine Drotos
The Arboretum: Tracking Hike with Integrative Biology Undergrads. Photo by Katherine Drotos
The Arboretum: Eastern Screech Owl. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Eastern Screech Owl. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Owl Workshop Owl Prowl. Photo by Rachel Irwin
The Arboretum: Owl Workshop visited by Wild Ontario!
The Arboretum: Owl Workshop visited by Wild Ontario!
The Arboretum: Owl Workshop visited by Wild Ontario! Photo by Rachel Irwin
The Arboretum: Red Squirrel. Photo by Brenda Doherty
The Arboretum: Northern Cardinal. Photo by Brenda Doherty
The Arboretum: Red-bellied Woodpecker. Photo by Brenda Doherty
The Arboretum: Winter Bird Count. Photo by Julie Scott
The Arboretum: Winter Bird Count. Photo by Julie Scott
The Arboretum: Winter Bird Count. Photo by Julie Scott