The Arboretum: Purple Finch. Photo by Marlene Hart
The Arboretum: Great Crested Flycatcher. Photo by Marlene Hart
The Arboretum: Gray Tree Frog. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Sargent's Cherry. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Northern Brown Snake. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Lucky (?) Rabbit's Foot. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Fishing Spider. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Blue Cohosh. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Leatherwood. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Elm Sawfly Battle. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Duckweed. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Gingerbread Preschool Visit. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Preschoolers swarming interpreter for nets... Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Hooray for Ponds! Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Hooray for Mud! Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Lots to see. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: And no one fell in! Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Frog Touching 101. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Kermit would be proud. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Frogs are cool. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Yes, our trails are muddy. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Big Poplar Sphinx Moth. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Possibly our first confirmed turkey nesting record. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Wood Frog. Photo by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Philadelphia Vireo. Photo by Chris Earley