The Arboretum: Bryna vs the Turtle
The Arboretum: Bryna vs the Pond
The Arboretum: Director Jonathan
The Arboretum: Female Cooper's Hawk chick
The Arboretum: Goldenrod...already?
The Arboretum: Jumping Spider with prey
The Arboretum: This prey never gave up.
The Arboretum: Bucket of Frogs
The Arboretum: Cooper's Hawk chick begging for food.
The Arboretum: It's MINE!
The Arboretum: Nice nose! New butterfly species for The Arboretum. Photo by James McGarry
The Arboretum: Nice eyes! Common Buckeye by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Painted Lady by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus, Opuntia humifusa
The Arboretum: Opuntia macrorhiza
The Arboretum: Opuntia macrorhiza
The Arboretum: Opuntia phaeacantha
The Arboretum: Opuntia phaeacantha
The Arboretum: Opuntia fragilis
The Arboretum: Collared Skunk by Chris Earley
The Arboretum: Painted Lady on Butterfly Bush by Riley Nadalin
The Arboretum: Hummingbird Moth by Riley Nadalin
The Arboretum: Hummingbird Moth by Riley Nadalin
The Arboretum: American Toad by Riley Nadalin
The Arboretum: Eastern Chipmunk by Riley Nadalin
The Arboretum: Eastern Chipmunk by Riley Nadalin
The Arboretum: American Goldfinch by Riley Nadalin
The Arboretum: Black-capped Chickadee by Riley Nadalin
The Arboretum: Groundhog by Riley Nadalin
The Arboretum: Giant Swallowtail on Butterfly Bush by Riley Nadalin