viridian house: Volks F03
viridian house: Volks F03
lapland❀: { 遥かな思い }
TURBOW: Snow fox
TURBOW: Sangria
TURBOW: My Anais is back from face-up. I named her "Sangria". Will go back home to play with her tonight~
PanDOLLa: V-Tae
♡Maruko♡: Mizune&Yukie
♡Maruko♡: 常夏
MoiAtelier: Glam Lady7
RabbitChi: Dolls Party 33 & Doll Show 43
MoiAtelier: Holiday' child miu
mariagedoll: Genevieve
madeleine♥: Yahoo Japan Auction
madeleine♥: Baby Doll
madeleine♥: Janat & Lawleys
madeleine♥: Karel♡
mariagedoll: Blancheneige
Veroferdi: In the afternoon
Veroferdi: 3 Dolls
Koshi.H: Mayu
Haze Jin: Mio - getting lazy before the holiday
Haze Jin: Yoko - Violin Lessons
Haze Jin: 美ら海水族館
Haze Jin: Ranko - Steam