BAKAWI: 2024-12-06m Blüten rosa pink weiß (Explored)
John B Fotografía: Owl see you on the wild side of life.
pb6157: Heute mache Ich aber mal eine Pause 😉
AnneHu: ☆ Mésange huppée ☆
@macro_action: Own the pink
RonParsonsflowershots: Caladenia saggicola - Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
RonParsonsflowershots: Diuris pardina
RonParsonsflowershots: Dendrobium (Australian Ginger x Ida May) - Hobart Orchid Society Show
KH_orchid: Pleurothallis josefinae
KH_orchid: Pleurothallis elliottii
RonParsonsflowershots: Drosera spatulata, Barren Grounds Nature Reserve
RonParsonsflowershots: Drosera spatulata, Barren Grounds Nature Reserve
KH_orchid: Pleurothallis garayana aff.
jpboiste: lightroom_3542 - vacances à Luc sur Mer
JVinOZ: Pterostylis anatona 2024-07-05 01
JVinOZ: Pterostylis collina 2024-07-05 01
JVinOZ: Pterostylis vittata 2024-07-05 01
KH_orchid: Pleurothallis baudoensis
KH_orchid: Pleurothallis baudoensis
species orchids: Paphiopedilum chalesworthii 21
KH_orchid: Pleurothallis ruscaria
Luiz Filipe Varella: Barbosella dusenii (Samp.) Schltr.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Lepanthes carunculigera in situ, strange miniature (flower size 12 mm), endemic from Colombia around 2100 m asl in Risaralda and Choco depts. Seen on a 16 days orchids and bromeliads tour I guided with Plant Expeditions and Tolima BioDiversa Expediciones.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Pleurothallis orecta in situ, magnificent miniature (flower size 6 mm), endemic from Colombia at around 2000 m asl in Risaralda department. Seen on a 16 days orchids and bromeliads tour I guided with Plant Expeditions and Tolima BioDiversa Expediciones.
KH_orchid: Pleurothallis sp. KH070
Micro-orquídeas Roberto Martins: Pleurothallopsis nemorosa (Barb.Rodr.) Porto & Brade, Arq. Inst. Biol. Veg. 3: 133 (1937)
KH_orchid: Pleurothallis brinkmaniana
RonParsonsflowershots: Pleurothallis troglodytes - Andy's Orchids
RonParsonsflowershots: Pleurothallis - Mary Gerritsen
RonParsonsflowershots: Masdevallia patriciana - John Leathers