Tripod Ape: Big strides
Tripod Ape: Before they start smelling...
Tripod Ape: :::::
Tripod Ape: - - - - -
Tripod Ape: British Rail lives!
Tripod Ape: Broken lifts
Tripod Ape: Dorchester Street
Tripod Ape: The Forum
Tripod Ape: Figures not to scale
Tripod Ape: Towers of Bath
Tripod Ape: Watch out bus station
Tripod Ape: Their days are numbered
Tripod Ape: Me and a bird
Tripod Ape: Shades
Tripod Ape: SouthGate arcade
Tripod Ape: Christmas lights
Tripod Ape: Bus Station Tableau
Tripod Ape: Red carpet