teddibears: Pencil Sketch_Horse
teddibears: Taking a bow
teddibears: horse on the hill
teddibears: Momma and colt
teddibears: Taking a look to see who's there
teddibears: Pencil Sketch_horse at Return to Freedom
teddibears: Black&White Horse
teddibears: Pony at Return to Freedom
teddibears: Horses by the schoolhouse
teddibears: Anybody know why they stand this way.....
teddibears: Return to Freedom Horse
teddibears: Colt at Return to Freedom
teddibears: Colt_Pencil
teddibears: Standing at the top of the hill
teddibears: I wonder what is so interesting....
teddibears: Lunch
teddibears: Watching the pasture
teddibears: Standing tall
teddibears: A little shy
teddibears: I'm so mad I could bite something
teddibears: The eyes say so much
teddibears: I see you.....
teddibears: Just taking my time at breakfast
teddibears: A Horse's eye_sepia
teddibears: A Horse's eye_b&w
teddibears: Reflections in the sand
teddibears: Thank you...thank you...
teddibears: A ride in the water
teddibears: Honor on the beach
teddibears: In the air