Judy Gallagher:
Great Blue Skimmer - Libellula vibrans, Big Sandy Unit, Big Thicket National Preserve, Kountze, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Punctured Tiger Beetle - Cicindela punctulata, Big Sandy Unit, Big Thicket National Preserve, Kountze, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Texas Emerald - Somatochlora margarita, Angelina National Forest, Jasper, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Ground Crab Spider - Xysticus species, Big Sandy Unit, Big Thicket National Preserve, Kountze, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Amanda's Pennant - Celithemis amanda, Boykin Springs Recreation Area, Jasper County, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Purple Pleatleaf - Alophia drummondii, Boykin Springs Recreation Area, Jasper County, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Bar-winged Skimmer - Libellula axilena, Jasper County, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Eastern Pondhawk - Erythemis simplicicollis with Bar-winged Skimmer - Libellula axilena, Jasper County, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Grasshopper, Boykin Springs Recreation Area, Jasper County, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Lone Star Liquor, Mount Morian, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Red-legged Buprestis - Buprestis rufipes, Boykin Springs Recreation Area, Jasper County, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Red-legged Buprestis - Buprestis rufipes, Boykin Springs Recreation Area, Jasper County, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Swift River Cruiser - Macromia illinioensis, SE Metro Park, Austin, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Fishing Spider - Dolomedes species, Big Sandy Unit, Big Thicket National Preserve, Kountze, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Thornbush Dasher - Micrathyria hagenii, Southeast Metro Park, Del Valle, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Golden Tortoise Beetle - Charidotella bicolor, Boykin Springs Recreation Area, Jasper County, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Swamp Leatherflower - Clematis crispa, Tyler County, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Rounded Metalmark - Calephilus perditalis, Hornsby Bend, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Aztec Spur-throated Grasshopper - Aidemona azteca, Hornsby Bend, Del Valle, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Thread-legged Bug - Emesaya species?, Big Sandy Unit, Big Thicket National Preserve, Kountze, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Whirlabout - Polites vibex, Boykin Springs Recreation Area, Jasper County, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Blue-faced Ringtail - Erpetogomphus eutainia, Independence Park, Gonzales, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Tropical Checkered-skipper - Pyrgus oileus, Big Sandy Unit, Big Thicket National Preserve, Kountze, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Five-banded Thynnid Wasp - Myzinum quinquecinctum, Boykin Springs Recreation Area, Jasper County, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Issid Planthopper - Aplos simplex, Tyler County, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Whimsical coloring from the International Conference on Odonatology
Judy Gallagher:
Spiny-backed Orbweaver - Gasteracantha cancriformis, Hornsby Bend Park, Del Valle, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Yellow-sided Skimmer - Libellula flavida, Boykin Springs Recreation Area, Jasper County, Texa
Judy Gallagher:
Spotted Bird Grasshopper - Schistocerca lineata, Hornsby Bend, Del Valle, Texas
Judy Gallagher:
Identifying Dragonfly larvae