Stephen Davis Photography: Dark Green Fritillary butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: Pale clouded yellow butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: Large copper butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: White admiral butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: Camberwell Beauty butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: Silver washed fritillary butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: Spanish festoon butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: Small pearl bordered fritillary butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: Swallowtail butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: Marsh Fritillary butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: Large Tortoiseshell butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: White Admiral butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: Violet Copper butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: Large Blue butterfly
Stephen Davis Photography: Large copper butterflies
Stephen Davis Photography: Dark green fritillary
Stephen Davis Photography: Silver-washed fritillary
Stephen Davis Photography: Green veined white
Stephen Davis Photography: Black veined white
Stephen Davis Photography: Blue spot hairstreak
Stephen Davis Photography: Dark green fitillary male and female
Stephen Davis Photography: Queen of Spain fritillary
Stephen Davis Photography: Queen of Spain fritillary
Stephen Davis Photography: Marbled white and marsh helleborine