Just another amateur photographer: Lost in her own world
Just another amateur photographer: "Don't disturb me, I'm enjoying my day off"
Just another amateur photographer: "I believe I can fly" :P
Just another amateur photographer: The famous Pacifica Pier
Just another amateur photographer: Panoramic view of the City of Pacifica, CA
Just another amateur photographer: La Jolla Cove near San Diego
Just another amateur photographer: There was something about this empty wall with a cactus plant..
Just another amateur photographer: Jamming Mexican music
Just another amateur photographer: Mexican Handmade art
Just another amateur photographer: Handmade wooden ornaments
Just another amateur photographer: East of the moon and the west of the sun :)
Just another amateur photographer: One of the many churches of San Diego
Just another amateur photographer: Like the planter idea :)
Just another amateur photographer: "Guitar is a small orchestra. Every string a different color, a different voice"
Just another amateur photographer: Empty chairs intrigue me..