JoeUrban'sPhotos: Tiger swallowtail
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Buzz buzz
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird (yes, they also eat insects)
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird (Male)
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird (the only bird species capable of flying backward)
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Ruby throated hummingbird
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on purple coneflower.
JoeUrban'sPhotos: View while I do the dishes at the kitchen sink (such a treat!)
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Through the glass at the window feeder, notice the iso
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Through the glass at the window feeder.
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Through the glass at the window feeder.
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly
JoeUrban'sPhotos: Bee on Coneflower
JoeUrban'sPhotos: (6) Hibiscus in the yard
JoeUrban'sPhotos: (4) butterfly3 on flower