phuqthemup: cute kitten at mc slypussy's house in Aukland
phuqthemup: AKlass/God Records' Studios!!!
phuqthemup: DSCN1589.JPG
phuqthemup: merch production
phuqthemup: obot + bhat
phuqthemup: polka dot dot dot live @ the wine cellar (Aukland)
phuqthemup: polka dot dot dot live @ the wine cellar (Aukland)
phuqthemup: Aukland from Mt. Eden
phuqthemup: Aukland from Mt. Eden
phuqthemup: crater view (Mt. Eden)
phuqthemup: i really should have bought this hat
phuqthemup: wheely bin sound system commences!
phuqthemup: the parts
phuqthemup: construction begins
phuqthemup: Goodbye, Aukland City...Hello renegade party!
phuqthemup: cutting speaker holes
phuqthemup: speaker installation
phuqthemup: squee squools us on the electronix
phuqthemup: installing car battery and amp
phuqthemup: a clean machine
phuqthemup: sawing the upper pannel for laptop placement
phuqthemup: brackets for top shelf
phuqthemup: polka dot dot dot and ?(damn, forgot her name), + chu hi!
phuqthemup: polka dots on the scene
phuqthemup: here's me in Mexico
phuqthemup: shawnyx, on holiday
phuqthemup: here's me in Ibiza. that's fatboy slim in the background.
phuqthemup: these boots are made for walkin'
phuqthemup: Aukland's penis tower
phuqthemup: rake me....