Pinchers one:
Young Black headed Gull
Pinchers one:
Crow watching the river
Pinchers one:
Greenfinch hunting insects
Pinchers one:
The world looks better this way up
Pinchers one:
linnet by a gorse bush
Pinchers one:
Pinchers one:
watching 2
Pinchers one:
Herring Gull on the mud
Pinchers one:
Herring Gull on the mud 2
Pinchers one:
Crow with a shore crab
Pinchers one:
Crow searching the river bank at low tide
Pinchers one:
Black Headed Gull on the mud bank
Pinchers one:
Heron about to land
Pinchers one:
Heron on the wing
Pinchers one:
On the jetty
Pinchers one:
Young Black Headed Gull
Pinchers one:
Pegion in flight
Pinchers one:
Pinchers one:
Admiring the view
Pinchers one:
Black Swan Chichester Harbour
Pinchers one:
Baby black bird in the sunshine
Pinchers one:
Pinchers one:
Pinchers one:
Looking for the evening meal
Pinchers one:
Awalk on the weed
Pinchers one:
Pinchers one:
Enjoying the pickings at low tide
Pinchers one:
searching the mud at low tide
Pinchers one:
Time to find a spot to bed down for the night
Pinchers one:
Canada goose on the wing