shaun stothard the legend: Selby horse ploughing
shaun stothard the legend: Norwegian Fjord Horses
shaun stothard the legend: Horse Ploughing at Selby
shaun stothard the legend: Ferguson sport top
shaun stothard the legend: horses ploughing...
shaun stothard the legend: horses at selby ploughing match
shaun stothard the legend: Leo & Mason......
shaun stothard the legend: Cowthorpe sunset.....
shaun stothard the legend: end of a days work.....
shaun stothard the legend: the gloves are off
shaun stothard the legend: Field marshall & plough...
shaun stothard the legend: Fordson at ploughing match....
shaun stothard the legend: Watching the sun go down......
shaun stothard the legend: ploughing match
shaun stothard the legend: Harrowing sunset
shaun stothard the legend: working horses in the dales