T Martin2010:
Historic rifle
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Section of historic cedar water main
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T Martin2010:
Lizard Effigy Pipe 2
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Lizard Effigy Pipe 1
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Madison County Artifacts
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Antler flaking tool
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Shaft drills and base drills
T Martin2010:
Arrowheads from Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge
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Anvil stone and pestle
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Clovis point and Paleoindian information
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Wade Points, Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge
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Jacks Reef Points, Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge
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Flint Creek Points, Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge
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Gaming stones
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Native American information
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Pottery Shards, more Native American information
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Me in 2004 in front an Easter Island statue at the Smithsonian
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Sign for section of historic cedar water main
T Martin2010:
Cherokee Mask - Man with Rattlesnake on head
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Cherokee Statue
T Martin2010:
Cherokee Artifacts
T Martin2010:
Cherokee Gorget