T Martin2010: Ladyfish - Elops saurus
T Martin2010: Blue Runner - Caranx crysos
T Martin2010: Blue Runner - Caranx crysos - swimming away
T Martin2010: Blue Runner - Caranx crysos
T Martin2010: fish around feet: Blue Runner - Caranx crysos - and Florida Pompano - Trachinotus carolinus
T Martin2010: Ladyfish - Elops saurus
T Martin2010: Piranha and other fish at Sharky's
T Martin2010: Piranha at Sharky's
T Martin2010: Fake shark outside Sharky's Restaurant
T Martin2010: fish evading predators?
T Martin2010: Feed the fish!
T Martin2010: kind of shy
T Martin2010: Bluegill - Lepomis macrochirus
T Martin2010: carp among the goldfish
T Martin2010: Spotted Gar - Lepisosteus oculatus
T Martin2010: Spotted Gar - Lepisosteus oculatus
T Martin2010: Bluegill at Indian Creek
T Martin2010: Going the wrong way
T Martin2010: Ducks swimming by
T Martin2010: Paddlefish - Polyodon spathula