_cram: Collections of colonies of bees
_cram: Being good
_cram: I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey.
_cram: 20101126-DSC_0750.jpg
_cram: Marlin
_cram: Spin
_cram: The Zasser
_cram: Open
_cram: City Bird
_cram: Sigur Rós: Inni
_cram: Coffee. Cartel Campbell.
_cram: On the train.
_cram: Kate
_cram: Coffee!
_cram: Old Town, Bisbee
_cram: Historic Bisbee
_cram: Snooker, libations.
_cram: Summer
_cram: Being good (2)
_cram: 7am
_cram: At the pool 4
_cram: The shunning
_cram: Days of summer
_cram: So fresh and so clean
_cram: At the pool 8
_cram: 20120802-IMG_0513.jpg
_cram: Before
_cram: Sneaksgiving 1
_cram: At the mall
_cram: Gifts