zapperthesnapper: Tunnel vision...
zapperthesnapper: Admiring the art of bygone days...
zapperthesnapper: Admiring the art of bygone days (colour - obviously)...
zapperthesnapper: Softly filtered Ostend...
zapperthesnapper: Beetham Tower, Manchester - 1
zapperthesnapper: A warm glow...
zapperthesnapper: Moody NYC...
zapperthesnapper: Lego high in the sky...
zapperthesnapper: A wet day in NYC...
zapperthesnapper: Concentration...
zapperthesnapper: Reflections of a motoring giant...
zapperthesnapper: Ignition sequence starts now...
zapperthesnapper: The leaning tower of New York...
zapperthesnapper: A New York evening...
zapperthesnapper: MMMMM.....
zapperthesnapper: Angularity at an angle...
zapperthesnapper: Flat Iron building, NYC...
zapperthesnapper: Way down there...
zapperthesnapper: Legoland...
zapperthesnapper: Flat Iron in focus...
zapperthesnapper: Inside the Empire State Building...
zapperthesnapper: Brooklyn Bridge...
zapperthesnapper: The shapes of New York...
zapperthesnapper: Dwarfed by the giant...
zapperthesnapper: Smoking away...
zapperthesnapper: A wave of modernity...
zapperthesnapper: Beetham Tower, Manchester - 2
zapperthesnapper: Beetham Tower - 3
zapperthesnapper: Modernity rising high - Beetham Tower, Manchester - 5...
zapperthesnapper: Beetham Tower, Manchester - 4