zapperthesnapper: On the path to somewhere... (1)
zapperthesnapper: Woodland glow...
zapperthesnapper: Straight lines...
zapperthesnapper: The waiting game...
zapperthesnapper: Light and dark (plus a few sheep)....
zapperthesnapper: Path in the woods (2)
zapperthesnapper: Pebble Beach...
zapperthesnapper: Trying to block the view..
zapperthesnapper: Out for a stroll...
zapperthesnapper: On the path to somewhere (2)...
zapperthesnapper: Woodland Glow 2...
zapperthesnapper: 'Someone's painted our heads'...
zapperthesnapper: A wave of modernity...
zapperthesnapper: The National Football Museum, Manchester, UK...
zapperthesnapper: Space age service station...
zapperthesnapper: In search of photographic prey...
zapperthesnapper: Gloom over Wyre...
zapperthesnapper: Not enjoying the view..?
zapperthesnapper: No cackling heard...
zapperthesnapper: Too cold for ice cream...
zapperthesnapper: A Solitary Walk...
zapperthesnapper: Silhouetted romance...