BHawk Photography: Kicking off Butterfly Season in Indiana (Explore)
BHawk Photography: Over-Wintered in Indiana
BHawk Photography: Pretty Little Viceroy
BHawk Photography: Let the butterfly season begin!!!
BHawk Photography: Playing With Giants
BHawk Photography: Happy National Camera Day!!
BHawk Photography: Taste & See
BHawk Photography: Proper send off (Explore)
BHawk Photography: Chasing butterflies in the Lavender Fields :) (Explore)
BHawk Photography: Lavender Loving Butterfly
BHawk Photography: Today's Visitor
BHawk Photography: Back to Visit
BHawk Photography: Be Still & Know (Explore)
BHawk Photography: Pretty girl Monarch
BHawk Photography: Black Swallowtail Visitor
BHawk Photography: Migrating Monarch passing through my garden
BHawk Photography: Late Summer Monarch
BHawk Photography: Two of my fave's (Explore)