marlin harms: Vernal Pool, Goldfields & Nearby Oaks
Catherine Sienko: Fairyduster - Wildflower
atenpo: Morros Grande
Bill Bouton: Western Kingbird, Tyrannus verticalis
Aerostigmat: Wheel, central 1/3 crop.
Nellie Vin: Spaces in the city.
optimalfocusphotography: Two Blooms, Capitol Park Dogwood
marlin harms: Lesser Goldfinch Eating Willow Seeds
UVO_eber: Vintage crocus
bior: Downtown San Francisco Out of shape on my guitar...
zuik image: Wollensak Oscillo-Raptar 3 inch F1.9
deenulya: Painting with Helios 🎨
Eden Bromfield: Trout Lilly (Erythronium americanum) and Mosquito
dukeofplaettidorf: monocrocus Connected through light
bztraining: Tunnel?
Simon's utak: Dialing out
polykhromov: end of the fern cycle III
marlin harms: Teloschistes chrysophthalmus, Gold-eye Lichen
atenpo: Beware of Dinosaur
atenpo: Angels Flight
sander.asap: S7C02558
Catimini79: Guttation
Catimini79: Magic hats
CVIja(x): First Snow Fence'h
stevepamp: The way we see ourselves