obsidiana10: over there
obsidiana10: at the car park
obsidiana10: the rockaya
obsidiana10: random landscape
obsidiana10: easy come, easy go
obsidiana10: chesnut time
obsidiana10: urban coffee
obsidiana10: Tamarind and friends
obsidiana10: fluctuation
obsidiana10: resilience
obsidiana10: if you are still alive
obsidiana10: nemorivagant
obsidiana10: I forgot to draw the curtains
obsidiana10: the invisible silence
obsidiana10: ground-wave top
obsidiana10: συρτάκι
obsidiana10: don't you see the light?
obsidiana10: time for a funny broth
obsidiana10: we all stand together
obsidiana10: where to?
obsidiana10: two thousand people in Calle 54
obsidiana10: night memories of the outside world
obsidiana10: the unexpected frailty
obsidiana10: Aphrodite fending off the goat footed god Pan, who is uselessly trying to make erotic advances to her while underestimating a goddess ability to use a sandal as a lethal weapon
obsidiana10: memories of the outside world
obsidiana10: the stay at home anaphora
obsidiana10: The only true wisdom is in knowing you don't know how to play that f*****g lyre
obsidiana10: dear imperfect
obsidiana10: florist's on call
obsidiana10: social distancing