madcitylife: Use Door around Corner
madcitylife: Have Purpose - Will Travel
madcitylife: Path of Reflection
madcitylife: Sandhill Crane in Aldo Leopold's "backyard"
madcitylife: Atmosphere
madcitylife: River's Edge Pub & Grub
madcitylife: Frank Lloyd Wright's "backyard"
madcitylife: Anchored
madcitylife: Beckoning
madcitylife: The photo shy boy
madcitylife: Beyond view.......
madcitylife: Short life - Big Mission
madcitylife: On a Golden Pond
madcitylife: Kerl School 1874-1954
madcitylife: Lesson in life: Learn what matters
madcitylife: Competing Lines
madcitylife: Solitary thoughts, winter sky, lake Ice, and the pier
madcitylife: Reflecting on State
madcitylife: Reflections on the glass entrance
madcitylife: Governors Island
madcitylife: Cheers !
madcitylife: Honest communication perfected
madcitylife: Devils Lake Window