mrsjanj: July 19 - I had to be very, very patient this morning...
mrsjanj: May 10 - A little birding this morning with friends...
mrsjanj: August 23 - A Skimmer skimming...
mrsjanj: April 9 - Noticing the little things along the way...
mrsjanj: July 22 - "Pardon my reach"...
mrsjanj: August 4 - Taking a break from Hydrangea...
mrsjanj: June 3 - So thankful to find a Queen Butterfly today. I don't think I've seen one around here before.
mrsjanj: June 5 - "For the beauty of the earth"...I am incredibly thankful.
mrsjanj: June 12 - Being well-loved is one of the biggest things I'm thankful for...
mrsjanj: February 1 - House Hunting is for the birds...
mrsjanj: February 19 - A breezy, brisk day (well, brisk for us), made this more challenging than usual...
mrsjanj: April 20 - A morning walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Refuge...
mrsjanj: April 21 - One of my favorite photo subjects...
mrsjanj: April 27 - I'm stretching the prompt here...
mrsjanj: June 19 - I rarely leave the house without my camera...there is always something that catches my eye.
mrsjanj: January 4 - It was a good day at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary
mrsjanj: January 15 - A break between the storms...
mrsjanj: January 25 - In flight...
mrsjanj: April 6 - Three's A Crowd
mrsjanj: April 7 - It was a beautiful day at the San Joaquin Wildlife Reserve yesterday...
mrsjanj: March 3 - Red Ibis at sunset...
mrsjanj: March 5 - No Soliciting!!!
mrsjanj: April 2 - Out less, in more - so combing through earlier images.
mrsjanj: April 18 - A restful Saturday...
mrsjanj: September 2 - A fun morning at the marsh...
mrsjanj: September 6 - Meet the Clark's Grebe Family...