March 23 - Today's prompt is "Your Inspiration". For me, my inspiration comes from the beauty of God's literally makes my heart sing.
June 8 - Home improvement project going on at the Johnson home today, every room is in shambles. No photography today so I'm digging back into the archives. The prompt today is red and this fits the bill! Thankfully the work will be completed tomorrow!!
April 3 - When I saw today's prompt was Contrast with blue and green I knew right where to head...
March 7 - Sorry for all the flower photos, but that's about all I have time for right now.
March 8 - Thank you for all your support regarding all my flower images right now. I'm busy and distracted right now. Flowers are quicker and easier than being creative.
March 31 - Most of the month of March has been flower photos, it simply needed to be that way. But this is the last of the flower series. Now just back to the normal occasional flower image. Tomorrow begins a new chapter...