zxc6789: Convallaria majalis
zxc6789: Dianthus deltoides
zxc6789: windmills and clouds
zxc6789: Potentilla palustris flower
zxc6789: Iris pseudacorus flower
zxc6789: butterfly behind a thistle flower
zxc6789: butterfly behind a thistle flower
zxc6789: Cirsium helenioides
zxc6789: Phragmites australis an a windmill
zxc6789: a pond in a forest
zxc6789: Eriophorum vaginatum
zxc6789: Caltha palustris
zxc6789: foot of a Carduelis spinus
zxc6789: washing machine in a forest
zxc6789: a bell pepper in snow
zxc6789: dead old tree
zxc6789: horse-fly's lunch time
zxc6789: Parnassia palustris
zxc6789: Hybomitra sp. horse-fly
zxc6789: Lysimachia thyrsiflora
zxc6789: Ranunculus repens
zxc6789: Rhododendron tomentosum
zxc6789: Utricularia intermedia (side view)
zxc6789: Utricularia intermedia (front view)
zxc6789: Veronica chamaedrys
zxc6789: Rhododendron tomentosum
zxc6789: Andromeda polifolia var. polifolia
zxc6789: dandelion seeds
zxc6789: Alnus incana f. gibberosa