Amaethon: Ryōan-ji temple
Amaethon: Tokyo
Amaethon: Simple trees
Amaethon: Somewhere in Shinjuku
Amaethon: Strasbourg
Amaethon: France
Amaethon: France
Amaethon: France
Amaethon: Doué la Fontaine
Amaethon: Doué la Fontaine
Amaethon: Doué la Fontaine
Amaethon: Iino
Amaethon: Tokyo
Amaethon: Kamakura
Amaethon: Kaji kôbo
Amaethon: Frozen tuna's head in fish market, Japan - Fp4+ 50mm 1.7
Amaethon: Jr High sch students and a deer - tri-x@200 50mm 1.7
Amaethon: Zen garden -Delta 400@200 50mm 1.7
Amaethon: Saitama fish market Fp4+@125 50mm 1.7
Amaethon: Wooden floor profile -Delta 400@200 50mm 1.7
Amaethon: Relaxing zen garden -Delta 400@200 50mm 1.7
Amaethon: Okonomiyaki @Hiroshima -tri-x@200 50mm 1.7
Amaethon: Wooden pillar -tri-x@200 50mm 1.7
Amaethon: Wooden floor -tri-x@200 50mm 1.7
Amaethon: Path to the light - Yashica Electro 35 trix@200
Amaethon: Noisy tree - Yashica Electro 35 trix@200
Amaethon: Curious priest - Trix@400 200mm f4
Amaethon: Contrasty rest - Delta 400@200 50mm 1.7