balu51: Shopping my stash for the next quilt project.
balu51: Signs of a productive morning
balu51: Off to a good start in a bright sunny morning thanks to 2 1/2" squares of sunshine.
balu51: There are so many decisions to make. That's my kind of quilt project.
balu51: Yes, I love my scraps.
balu51: I had to go to my fabric stash to supplement the larger white text print squares.
balu51: I think it's time to show off one of my favorite Japanese prints.
balu51: Scrappy Crossroad Quilt - WIP - Block No. 1
balu51: Scrappy Crossroad Block - WIP - Block No. 2
balu51: Scrappy Crossroad Quilt - WIP
balu51: Back to my Crossroad Quilt
balu51: Scrappy Crossroad Quilt - WIP
balu51: Sweet memories
balu51: It's been busy week with lots of sewing and unfortunately some seam ripping.
balu51: Back in December: Enjoying the process of this just-for-me-project.
balu51: Playing with my fabric stash! 😅
balu51: The prints are a mix of new and old from my stash and my scrap bin.
balu51: Woohoo! I finished the quilt top!
balu51: Some Heather Ross candidates for a pieced quilt back.
balu51: New scraps mean a new challenge to find the right kind of project for them.
balu51: Let's hope that I picked the right batting for this quilt.
balu51: 100 % bleached cotton batting
balu51: It's pin basting time!
balu51: All you need for hand quilting
balu51: Hand quilting: often the simplest way is the best.
balu51: Back in July I spent some time on hand quilting my favorite WIP.
balu51: Ready for trimming
balu51: For once decision making was easy.
balu51: Binding time!